"To sum up my experience in the Work Well Mentorship is almost impossible, I could talk about it for days! It was something I didn’t know I needed. I felt an incredible pull to apply & what I was hoping to get out of it was knowledge on how to dedicate my new business to the Lord. Sounds easy right? Ha, yes and no. Yes to the fact I realized I can be myself, run a successful business & in my own way share my journey with The Lord. No to the fact that the team dug deep y’all! In order to give it all to Him you must let go of shame, guilt and most of all the comparison. Sis, stop that NOW! It changed me in more ways than I can count and I can never thank Mallory Morgan enough for believing in other women & taking a huge leap of faith herself. If you are in any way drawn to apply, please do it! If you need a sisterhood that is NOT surface level, direction for your life on a larger scale, clarity on any parts of your business and could cry....then APPLY and everything else will fall into place! "

Brook Nicole
Shop Owner

"I began running an accidental business through love of a network marketing product, and was flung into the world of entrepreneurship before I even knew it. Being a dreamer is HARD and a lonely walk. You feel alone and misunderstood often and there's not very many people who can hash out your God sized dreams with you with the same wonder and possibilities that you KNOW are true and possible!! I LOVE women starting businesses, too, because it's an arena for us to overcome doubt, fear, insecurity, and other things that can otherwise be brushed under the rug. These are the reasons I applied to the work well mentorship! I was so nervous but the experience gave me everything I had asked for and more. THE TRUTH IS, we have abundance RIGHT HERE IN FRONT OF US. but we block it, all the freaking time. I left the mentorship with so much truth in my heart and the resources and tools to return to when I was back in normal life. For the sister considering going, DO IT, and don't look back. I cannot wait to hopefully connect with you and cheer you on in your journey!!"

Amanda Joan
Health & Wellness Influencer

"I was provided with the space I needed to finally understand my audience - my Esther. I was showing up online, but I was so distracted by what everyone else was doing that I wasn’t serving my people well. The leaders helped me clarify my purpose. At the same time, my cup was filled up by getting to engage with other female entrepreneurs who all had the same desire for their businesses - Christ first, everything else second. The grind can be hard, but when you’re doing it in Jesus’ name surrounded by the most supportive, loving community, there’s meaning in it."

Kelly Williams

"To the women scrolling IG wondering if this mentorship is worth the time, the money, and taking the chance on you I say YES!!! A million times YES!!! I took a chance on myself, on Mal, despite giant obstacles telling me not to and I have not once regretted that decision! You will laugh, cry, learn and grow in ways that you couldn’t even imagine. Come to learn about business, walk away learning about it and a new vision of who God made you to be! "

Alleasha Ross

"It was truly DIVINE that I ended up at Work Well. I left with a clear “why” for my business and awesome branding hacks but the Lord clearly brought me there to surrender every. single. thing. to Him! As if that weren’t enough, I am ever so grateful to have gained a community of women who love the Lord wholeheartedly. LADIES, centering our businesses on Christ is how we ultimately bear fruit. If you’re feeling shameful, overwhelmed, or lost about your purpose, APPLY. APPLY. APPLY. "

Emily Frenzen

"I absolutely loved attending the Work Well Mentorship. The leadership team listened to my ideas, helped me struggle through my business plan to have that AHA! moment and gave me the courage to get excited about the unknown. I walked in battling my own emotions and fears and walked out feeling confident in the Lord, confident in my purpose to help women, especially mothers, find theirs. For those who are considering taking the mentorship and are unsure if they should apply...DO IT! It was absolutely the best thing I could have done for myself, my business, and my family. The investment is worth it because they give you a roadmap for success and help you cultivate what the Lord has placed upon your heart. "

Paula Sue Gross
Christian Blogger

"Work Well allowed me to meet some incredible women and I was blessed to become a member of a fascinating sisterhood. If you need encouragement and feel the Holy Spirit speaking to you about this opportunity, just do it friend. Just take that step of faith and invest in your journey. "

Amanda Smith
Realtor + Entrepreneur

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